Q: How does my age affect Monopoly GO!?
A: In order to comply with applicable laws and make sure Monopoly Go! is a safe environment for players of all ages, for younger players we have:

1. restricted the availability of social media connections (such as Facebook)
2. restricted data collection to only information necessary to support the internal operations of the game and related services
3. allowed only the use of Monopoly Go! avatars instead of photos
4. restricted the player’s display name to meet our age-appropriate criteria.

Q: Does this change the results of my rolls or the amount of takedowns I successfully complete?
A: No, there is no change in gameplay regardless of your age.

Q: Why did you change my name and picture?
A: You are playing an age-appropriate version of Monopoly Go! that only allows use of the Monopoly Go! avatars and is designed to prevent you from using your full, real name. You can choose one of the approved avatars from the selection screen. You can not change the default nickname.

Q: I made a mistake, how can I change my age?
A: We have a trusted third party that specializes in age verification called Yoti. To change your age, please get in touch with customer support.